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Taipei, Taiwan

What Photo ONE Is All About

亞太連線藝術有限公司(Asia Pacific Artlink Co., Ltd.)成立於2017年,執行成員累積多年辦理多場國際藝術博覽會的經驗,並於2019年舉辦首屆ONE ART Taipei 藝術台北。

面對台灣近年來對攝影產業的求知若渴,主辦單位即將於2019年4月26日至28日,在台北國際藝術村盛大舉辦的Photo ONE系列活動,三日活動包含:攝影集市集Photo Fair、專家面對面Portfolio Review、露天放映會Outdoor kino cinema及國際當代攝影講座Photo Talk


攝影集市集Photo Fair,邀集國內外的專業出版單位,提供對攝影藝術出版有興趣的來賓們更多關於攝影書籍知識上的交流及一個直接與攝影出版者及攝影出版品之作者面對面學習的平台


專家面對面Portfolio Review更邀請來自法國、中國大陸、日本、韓國、台灣、香港、新加坡等地的評論家、學者、策展人、攝影家、研究者以及出版者,組成Photo ONE專家面對面計劃(Portfolio Review)的國際專家團隊。歡迎有志於從事專業攝影創作的創作者,帶著實體作品,參與這場難得的交流盛會。

About Photo ONE


Asia Pacific Artlink Co., Ltd. was founded in 2017 by a group of professionals who have many years of experience in event production in art industry.

Photo ONE, a new project presented by Asia Pacific Arlink Co., Ltd., is pleased to announce its first edition of the festival will take place this April 26-28, 2019 at Taipei Artist Village.


Photo ONE will present a series of special events and programming, which include Portfolio Review , where emerging photography talents have an opportunity to present their work to critics, curators, photographers, scholars, publishers from France, China, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore; Photobook Fair, which features 18 leading publications, bookstores and galleries to present their latest publications; and within Photobook Fair – Photo Slide Show, a series of talk sessions will be hosted, which allows visitors to closely interact with the artists and publishers. In addition, Photo Talk provides compelling and informative talks about recent art and photography scene by our selected guest speakers; Outdoor Kino Cinema, a truly unique outdoor cinematic experience on the rooftop of Taipei Artist village with selected photography documentaries display.


Asia Pacific Artlink Co., Ltd. is dedicated to creating highest quality events in art industry by building platforms and expanding the network worldwide.

Getting There

  1. 善導寺站 (藍線) → 1號出口 → 天津街口右轉 → 往前步行3-5分鐘 → 台北國際藝術村

  2. 捷運台北車站M2出口 → 穿過中山北路 → 延北平東路往前步行3-5分鐘 → 台北國際藝術村





  1. Shandao Temple (Blue line) to Shandao Temple Station Exit 1. Walk to Tianjin St., turn right toward Beiping E. Rd. , then cross. Taipei Artist Village is on the corner.

  2. Taipei Main Station (Red line) Taipei Main Station Exit M2. Walk east on Beiping Road, cross Zhongshan N. Rd. and continue for one block to Tianjin St. Taipei Artist Village is on the corner.


      Shandao Temple Station:202、205、212、212直、262、253、257、262、276、



©2019 by PhotoONE. All Rights Reserved.

Proudly produced by 亞太連線藝術有限公司 Asia Pacific Artlink Co., Ltd.

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